Northern Michigan Connection

Seasons of the Leelanau
Sandra Serra Bradshaw

1. The Essence of Leelanau
2. A Town-by-Town Guide in History
3. The Native Americans
4. Leelanau Lodging
5. Dining, Leelanau-Style
6. Gift Shops and Galleries
7. Fruit of the Leelanau
8. Seasons of the Maritime
9. The Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
10. Fishing and Boating the Seasons of the Leelanau
11. Seasons of Recreation
12. Seasonal Reflections and Promises

Written by longtime, year long resident, Sandra Bradshaw, Seasons of the Leelanau provides both visitors and residents alike with an up-to-date travel guidebook - including the new street names and new street numbers - for Leelanau County. While evoking the charm, history, and beauty of this area, the author provides specific information, telephone numbers, directions and maps to reach various charming towns, unique shops, orchards, wineries, beaches, lighthouses, shipwrecks, boating and fishing sites, and all other possible destinations in Leelanau County.

Anyone visiting northwest Michigan - and its beautiful Leelanau Peninsula - will find this book an essential traveling companion.


This land of delight is also a land of creativity. Artists abound in Leelanau. So do authors. Sandra Serra Bradshaw, creator of this book, is one of the newest. She provides a delightful mix of fact and fancy--a poetic guide book through the seasons, sights, and shops of Leelanau.

....From ground zero, the whole county stands out. Sandy Bradshaw helps us find our way.

--George Weeks
Columnist, The Detroit News
Author, Sleeping Bear: Its Lore, Legends, and First People and Sleeping Bear: Yesterday and Today

Copies of Seasons of the Leelanau can be purchased at all finer Michigan bookstores, or by writing to:

Northmont Publishing, Inc.
6346 Orchard Lake Road, #201
West Bloomfield, Michigan 48322

Northern Michigan Connection